Thursday, December 19, 2002

"As I went down in the river to pray"
I was trying to hide at first but then I leaned my head back. Then I compared. I most likely wouldn't have if they were better, but they weren't. So I compared. Its not as thought it's a community I want to be a part of, or perhaps it is. Maybe it's just Peter. Too many faces. And me too self conscious. Then the nod through the dark. I felt that meet. The nod which I thought said so much more than that damn giddy smile (I hate that smile). Oh dear god I know. Nice ring. Oh hunny, oh god,
Swim up.
I am that ship. I am that harbor. At least I'm supposed to be.

Tuesday, December 17, 2002

I LOVE MARY ANN (my sister/niece) SO SO SO MUCH!
Prayer is the greatest
ship my heart could sail upon.

Monday, December 16, 2002

Today in chamber choir we made gingerbread houses!! Except not out of gingerbread...we made them out of graham crackers. It was so much fun and so crazy and then I became a terrorist and bombed other people's gingerbread houses with big almond m&m's and Stephanie and Jackie lunged to protect their sugar-based dwelling. It was lovely. And the rain god. There was one point during choir today where I turned away from the "gingerbread" and the candy and the people and the little mermaid soundtrack and just looked outside towards the rain. I almost started to cry because I was so happy. It was perfect. That dark rich sky and the sugar-rushed laughter behind me, I am so blessed. That was all I could think.
winter has a fever and she's knocking from my brain
125lbs after christmas. i'll promise me that.
you know what i like? the crunch of sugar in my mouth. i think it would be the same if it weren't sweet though, i think it could just be a strange craving for granuals in my mouth that dont dissolve instantly (yes, i've tried and abandoned pixie sticks). perhaps i should try sand. this is so weird; i really want to swallow sand. eww. yes, the blond is a freak.
Fiona Apple - Paper Bag

Sunday, December 15, 2002

WE'RE GETTING A CHRISTMAS TREE TONIGHT! anyone wanna come? decorate? lights? sophia wrangling?